Happy Holidays everyone! This patch introduces Integrated Voice Communications (IVC) to WWII Online, forever changing gameplay for the better! Starting now, all players will be connected to voice comms with no third-party software required. This is a massive breakthrough in our technology and will work to retain new players, improve the current experience and develop squads and battles further. You'll get local 3D proximity chat and a variety of primary radio channels to help you connect tactical and squad communications like never before!
Keep reading to learn more and see our Wiki (manual) inside. Thanks for your continued support as a subscriber, making developments like these possible. Salute!
World War II Online
Version - December 2022
Introducing Integrated Voice Communications to WWII Online!
IVC Wiki Page / Manual found here: https://wiki.wwiionline.com/view/IVC
Lobby voice radio channel for general comms and choosing sides
Side voice radio channels active when no mission has been selected (Separate Axis, Allied channels)
Mission radio channels (side unique) becomes primary radio channel (whether spawned or not)
Squad voice radio channel for dedicated squad ops (always available)
In-game 3D voice chat providing attenuated and directional positional-based voice audio
Configurable key mapping
Cycle through available voice channels
Transmit on selected voice channel (PTT)
3D voice activation (talking)
Temporary IVC Disable (Mute/Deafen) for tense moments
IVC Hud Enable/Disable
IVC Hud displays who is talking, Icons over talking players (Radio vs 3D Chat)
IVC Configuration
Voice audio input/output device selection
Input/Ouput volume
Enable/Disable channel types (uncheck all for IVC opt-out)
Sensitive to .ignore list for muting other players

Note: There is a planned follow-up release to expand on IVC and some extra polish items, after the holidays. Please enjoy!
A tremendous amount of work has gone into delivering Integrated Voice Communications to you all. We'd like to thank our developers, testers, and operations team for a full-on collaboration in making this technically achievable and workable in time for you this holiday.
S! Cornered Rat Software