Improving the quality of life for WWII Online is a continued mission we have here at Playnet/CRS. Your experience matters, and we are targeting performance issues that are impacting a variety of our players.
The most significant of these updates going in is related to the "Shrapnel and Spall calculations." You should see a noticeable difference when a string of bombs or other high-explosives go off. What would have normally caused a significant stutter for not only the bombardier but everyone on the ground rendering them, should be substantially reduced. This means a better, cleaner experience, and less crashing to desktop for most users.
We're also targeting larger towns having rendering issues, places like Antwerp, Liege, Brussels, and such should have some optimizations when flying over.
One other thing we targeted was fixing an invisible collider issue at the top of the bunker staircase (where you'd normally defend the capture room). Players would sometimes get stuck there or have an odd experience. This should now be smooth.
This is all made possible by your continued paid support as a subscriber of WWII Online.
World War II Online Version - September 2024
This hotfix addresses some issues from the previous release and aims to better handle multiple different performance issues (stutters).
Capture timers have been adjusted to only be calculated by spawned, ground units.
Shrapnel and Spall calculations have been enhanced to provide better performance (stutter reduction).
The Office Bunker's internal layout has been adjusted.
Increased the damage threshold on Bailey Bridges which now requires bombs to destroy it.
Bug Fixes
The ping meter should now show more accurate ping times.
The rear-view of the GMC trucks has been updated to a better view.
Stutters caused when bombing factories has been fixed.
Some buildings have had their colliders fixed to help with stutters.
Bright MSPs (Mobile Spawn Points) at night has been fixed.
Fixed specific bushes that had broken LODs (Level of Detail).
Corrected the issue that required players to click on the town to see depots every time they opened the map.
S! Cornered Rat Software
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